
  • 產品名稱:芬蘭Noptel激光測距傳感器LRF500-Series Features:,實測10km激光測距傳感器

  • 產品型號:Noptel激光測距傳感器LRF500
  • 產品廠商:Noptel
  • 產品文檔:
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芬蘭Noptel激光測距傳感器LRF500-Series Features:,實測10km激光測距傳感器
芬蘭Noptel激光測距傳感器LRF500-Series Features:,實測10km激光測距傳感器 
芬蘭Noptel激光測距傳感器LRF500-Series Features:,實測10km激光測距傳感器
芬蘭Noptel激光測距傳感器LRF500-Series Features:,實測10km激光測距傳感器

LRF500 Series and LRF421 Laser Rangefinders

LRF500 rangefinderLRF500 series and LRF421 represent the long distance laser rangefinders in Noptel LRF product family. LRF500 series comprises alternative sensor models M2 and M3, which measure distances up to 10 km with high 1 – 3 m precision. LRF421 weighs only 200 g and features distance measurement performance to standard NATO target up to 4600 m with high 0.5 – 1.5 m precision.

Furthermore, the optics and the user interface of the devices can be customized to meet the requirements of specific applications.

LRF500-Series Features:

  • Max range: 10 km
  • Precision: 1 – 3 m
  • Beam divergence: 0.8 x 0.8 mrad, 75% of energy
  • Wavelength: 1550 nm
  • Measurement rate: 0.5 – 10 meas. per sec.
  • Weight: 450 g
  • Dimensions (mm): W 92, H 57, L 124
  • Interface: RS232/RS422 
    (UART 3.3V CMOS as option)
  • Power consumption: < 5 W @measurement, 0.1 W @standby
  • Eye safety: Laser Class 1 (EN 60825-1:2007) (IEC 60825-1:2007)


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